Monday 5 May 2008

Ebor Morris tour the city walls

The subtitle to this piece could well have been "Ebor Morris tour the Bars and Bars of York".

The musicians by Monk Bar.
Inside the walls at Walmgate bar.

The dances have been around for a long time so the sign is probably appropriate!

Sherrif's ride performed outside Walmgate Bar and then time for a beer, but what a shame that the Rook and Gaskill didn't open at 12:00 as shown on the list of opening times on the door.

Oh dear, no drink here so we did a dance without music as a requim for a pub we have enjoyed in the past!

After refreshing ourselves in the Swan we returned to the walls to perform at the corner by Baile Hill that overlooks the Swan.

Time for another break at the Golden Ball in Bishophill.

I'm going to count to ten and when I open my eyes I am going to make this nasty brown stuff dissappear!

Interruption to the tour as the section f walls from Micklegate to Station Rise were closed. Although the notice said Monday to Friday and it was now Sunday the gate was locked. Looks like the work overran by a few days! This was an opportune time to go and do our half hour session in King's Square

King's Square brought out loads of photographers as a half hour session was performed for the York Carnival. After a short refreshment stop in the Blue Bell a few stalwarts continued the tour and headed off towards Bootham Bar to continue the last section of available wall.

More tourists taking photos in the rain as Stu gets ready to do a solo jig by York Minster.

The lad does a solo jig outside the Minster.

The hardest part of touring the city walls is getting the sticks up and down the steps. A short video clip of the survivors dancing at Robin Hood Tower can be seen on UTube

The lad does another solo jig, where does he get the energy?

With much ceremony the sticks were dropped at the bottom of the stairs at Monk Bar to mark the end of the tour at the point that it had begun in the morning.

Well, another round on the bag didn't do us any harm (well not too much). The survivors relaxing at the Tap & Spile in Monkgate.

1 comment:

Christina S said...

I love your Morris Shots JollyGreenP!